Some of the services we can perform for your organization are as follows:
Creation of a SCOPE Document defining the work to be performed. This can be attached to the purchase order.
Setting up Name Service for the first time for a corporation,
agency, or educational institution.
Converting DNS on NT to DNS on Windows 2003.
Converting DNS on NT to BIND 9 on Sun Solaris UNIXor LINUX.
Training DNS Admins to properly manage and update the DNS servers.
Setting up Name Servers to use NTP time servers.
Configuring Primary (master) and Secondary (slave) Servers
with Host Authentication (TSIG with hmac-md5).
Configuring Dynamic Zones with ZONE Authentication keys (DSA).
Configure forwarding.
Converting existing Zones in BIND 4 or BIND 8 into BIND 9 format.
Updating a BIND 4 Configuration file to BIND 9 format.
Configuring IXFR between Hosts.
/*BIND 9.5 does IXFR (incremental) transfers between the master server and any secondary (slave) servers you may have (which is much faster then AXFR which transfers the entire zone). You can still transfer the whole zone if you want to and reload specific zones by themselves.*/ |
Cleaning up Zone information formats and simplifing them.
Checking Zone files for forward and reverse matching.
Configuring IP Black Hole Resolution for random unused IP Blocks used by spammers.
Configuring Access Control Lists (acl) to protect the DNS servers in a DMZ.
Tuning performance of BIND servers.
Configuring your BIND server to support IPv6 DNS resolution.
(AAAA, A6 records and A6 chains)
Peter Bartram is an expert on BIND 9 and DNS software. He has 15 years of experience using BIND DNS. He maintains the name servers at with BIND software using Linux and SUN Solaris.
He can work comfortably with your DNS Administrators and leave them with all of the powerful DNS or BIND tools at their disposal. Under BIND, servers will be time synced, with secure transmission of zone files between the servers (keys) and powerful granular control over zones. BIND offers anti-spoofing with granular control over queries and the option of allow-recursion of only your own IP blocks. Properly configured, it also does IXFR (incremental) transfers between the master server and any secondary (slave) servers you may have (which is much faster then AXFR which transfers the entire zone). You can still transfer the whole zone if you want to and reload specific zones by themselves remotely. Upgrading your DNS will go quickly and have a very positive impact on your network, website and peace of mind.